Samsung eSE SDK

eSE(embedded Secure Element) of Samsung devices enable service providers to enhance their service security.
It ensures the highest level of mobile security to protect the sensitive information of the service
with hardware-based security.

Join our partnership for your business success

Lead your business to the world best security level of mobile service with Samsung's powerful eSE SDKs and tools.
Get access by joining the Samsung eSE SDK partnership.

Samsung Knox

Partner Program

Partner with Samsung to grow your business

The knox Partner Program gives Samsung's partners resources for creating
innovative business solutions on our smartphones, tablets, and wearables.
Leverage Know platform features for elevated security, manageability, and
productivity, and Galaxy SDK resources for optimized device features.

There is no cost to join. To qualify, you will need to be a registered company with an existing business solution or app.

What are the Values of using Samsung KMS?

The best choice to make your service more secure and safe

  • Transits
  • Payments
  • Digital Key access (Door key, car key, and etc.)
  • Identification / Authentication
  • Secure storage / Certificate Manager